Project Team from Croatia, OŠ Jabukovac - Zagreb

We are a small school of 206 students, built 70 years ago in the park
forest of Tuškanac with creative and well organized team of teachers and
students. Our school is one of the smallest elementary schools with classes
from an average of 16 students. We are situated in a beautiful scenery
surrounded by forest , in a quiet and enjoyable part, just  minutes from
the center of the capital of Croatia, Zagreb.

*In our school we provide learning of two foreign language, but beside
formal classes, school offers certain features and benefits that go beyond
the compulsory school curriculum and common standards ( sports  at the
weekend, other Extra curricular activities.Our desire is to work with
parents contributing to create a positive mood of each of our students in
order to make the school safe and stimulating place for its further growth
and development, strengthening its competence and confidence and trust in

*Our school staff participated in the training on Erasmus+ and workshops on
project cycle management for the team of teachers and other school staff.
Our vision is to make our school internationalized and to make links with
the world outside school and other fields of non-formal education and
training. We would like to work together with partners in Europe and to
develop the professional skills of our staff and school activities. We
would like to take part in sharing good practice and testing of innovative
approaches that address shared challenges, such as developing basic skills,
tackling disadvantage and similar issues.*

*Romana Šimunić Cvrtila, the headmistress of the school*

Project Team from Saldus Elementary School

 Project Team  from Latvia, Saldus

 From the left- 
Iveta Logina - she is our Music teacher;
Evita Dureika- project coordinator from Latvia, English teacher;
Dace Neizaka- Primary teacher, IT teacher;
Līga Paštore-  Social Pedagogue and Speech Therapist;
Lāsma Rumpe- Sports teacher.

And here are our students: 
Watch video here:

Saldus pamatskola no Latvijas/Saldus Elementary school from Latvia

Saldus Elementary school


Saldus Elementary school was opened on 4th  August 
1904. Since 1909 the school was only for boys. 
School has changed its name several times for
different reasons (World War 1,2).  In 1915, the school
 was even evacuated to Russia. Over the years there
  have worked 17  headmasters. For last 60 years
 school’s life has stabilized.
In 70s the school was expanded with  building for
  more classrooms, a gym, a wardrobe and a canteen. 
 In 2008 the renovation of the school's new building
 took place. In 2016 the old part of school has
  completely renovated.  


School’s symbols 

The logo and the badge of the school were created relating to a hundredth anniversary.

Our primary class students have uniforms

School’s headmistress and teachers

Saldus Elementary school has many events happening during the school year- Olympic day, Mothersand Fathersday, as well  as  Latvian traditional celebrations

 We also take part in international projects- Erasmus + (KA1, KA2), Nordplus Junior

Welcome to 
Saldus Elementary school!


The meeting was the first in a series of gatherings to be held between the four partners. Being the first meeting, none of the countries had previously met nor worked together so it was deemed appropriate for only staff to attend the meeting. 
We were all so excited and a bit nervous, we looked forward to meeting each other and we felt like working together in the project.
Teachers from Croatia and Latvia flew on Sunday (5th November) to Barcelona and then they went to Barbastro by bus where local teachers were waiting for them.

DAY ONE: 6th November

After a short welcome by teachers and the principal in Pedro I school, partners met in Pedro I library to organize and start work. 

Firs of all, the participating teachers made a presentation of their country, school, and in some cases, some local traditions, etc. It was so curious to know some things about every participant.

Afterwards, teachers started their project discussion. The teachers’ workshop began by introducing the objectives of the meeting.
We also had time to make some pictures in the really beautiful ERASMUS CORNER of Pedro I School.


After a break, we continued working as we had to organize lots of activities for our project. Here you have some examples of discussed aspects: Malik`s family cartoons and presentation, suggestions for the next country, Latvia (presentations, lessons...), students who will travel and so on until lunch time.
In the afternoon, we moved to Centro de Congresos to attend a talk by the teacher Miguel Angel Modrego, from Miguel de Molinos High School in Zaragoza. The talk was about Coexistence in the Classroom and how to deal with the atmosphere during our lessons and it lasted two hours. Lots of useful ideas to use in our classrooms.
DAY TWO: 7th November

At first in the morning, teachers continued our workshop to reach agreements about next meeting with pupils in Latvia.

After a short coffee break, teachers and principals moved to the Town Hall, where the mayor received and welcomed the group. Afterwards, Javier Luis, student from 2nd ESO in Martínez Vargas received a certificate to thank him for his logo drawing as he was the winner in the logo competition done at the end of September. He also received a flash driver with the logo digitalized and a cheque with some money to be spent in a bookshop in Barbastro.
In the afternoon, as free time, we visited the winery Sommos, one of the most important wineries in Somontano region.   The visit was organized to be done in English. Teachers could even taste some wines. 

DAY THREE: 8th November

Alquézar trip
The Spanish teams organized a half-day trip to Alquézar to go sightseeing and to visit its Colegiata (collegiate church). We came back to Barbastro to have lunch in Pedro I canteen.

Pedro I Classroom visits
In the afternoon, partners had the possibility to see how Pedro I teachers work with their students from nursery to 6th grade Primary (3 to 11 years old).
The oldest students talked to partners from the four schools in English. We were welcomed in all classes.
Teachers’ training
The teacher Silvia Hernández, co-author of “Aulas Felices” (Happy Classrooms) gave us a talk with a little practise on mindfulness for three hours;  to try if considered possible with our students.
Some of the materials can be found in the blog: and the webpage which is in Spanish and translated into English. 

DAY FOUR: 9th November

Classroom visits in Martínez Vargas
Although the visit and work in Martínez Vargas high school will be held in May 2019, some partners showed their interest to visit it during this first mobility as they will not come back in the fourth mobility.  As it was not organized, they showed the school but they didn’t enter classrooms where lessons were taking place.

Radio Interview
Cadena Ser Barbastro interviewed the four coordinators in Pedro I library to be broadcasted on Friday. The interview was done in Spanish and English. 


Teacher’s workshop
We continued working. It was time to discuss about resolutions for remaining meetings.

Cathedral, Religious Museum  and Bullfighting Ring Visit
In the afternoon, three more visits were organized to show other relevant parts of Barbastro. The visits were in English. They entered the Cathedral, the Religious Museum and the Bullfighting Ring.
Farewell Dinner
Teachers from the four schools met to continue sharing ideas, culture and to let Latvian and Croatian partners know a bit more of Spanish cuisine. Farewell dinner was celebrated in San Ramón restaurant. 

At the end of the dinner, Eva, from Pedro I school, delighted us with a Jota (regional song) written and sung in English.

DAY FIVE: 10th November

Journalist Interview
As the previous day, a journalist from a local newspaper El Cruzado Aragonés took photos and interviewed coordinators and teachers. The report was to be published next week in a local newspaper. The same journalist commented she would write another report for a county paper.

Teacher’s workshop
Time to evaluate the different fields of this first meeting.
Exchange some presents
Latvian and Croatian teachers gave us some typical products of their home countries and they also received lots of products of the Somontano region. We all enjoyed the presents a lot. 



It was a great week, working with marvellous people and looking forward to the next meeting.



Necesitamos vuestra ayuda para llevar a cabo nuestro proyecto ERASMUS +: BEHAVE.
Es importante para el proyecto conocer qué opináis sobre el ambiente que habitualmente podemos encontrar en nuestro centro.
Así, os pedimos que contestéis con sinceridad a las siguientes preguntas que encontraréis haciendo click en el siguiente enlace:

We need to know your opinion about the school environment. So, try to answer so honestly to the following questionnaire





Necesitamos vuestra ayuda para llevar a cabo nuestro proyecto ERASMUS +: BEHAVE. 

Es importante para el proyecto conocer qué opináis sobre el ambiente que habitualmente podemos encontrar en nuestro centro.

We need your help to carry out our Erasmus Project BEHAVE. It is important for our project to know what you think about the environment you find at your high school.
Así, os pedimos que contestéis con sinceridad a las siguientes preguntas que encontraréis haciendo click en el siguiente enlace:
So, we ask you to answer sincerely the following questions clicking on the link:

Thank you for your help!


Maja Maček, the Croatian special needs teacher, has been on the traininig "PROVIDING PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT FOR MIGRANT CHILDREN IN SCHOOL".
Next November, she will share her experience with all the teachers involved in the project.
Here you can find some important aspects we would like to share with you.

Specific difficulties migrants children are facing

• From the countries they are coming : violence, exile, family lost, traumas caused by fear, lack of food and,…

• Travel routs: by foot or by boat, facing weather conditions on the way, possible death, coming without legal documents, increase possibility for human trafficking 

• Countries of their first residence: bad living conditions, low quality of life 

• Cultural problems: language barrier, different eating habits, they need to accept new culture and maintain their own, stigmatization of the society 

Why is important  to accept migrant children and to work with them?
• Refugee crises are rarely quickly solved – nearly 20 years so most people stay in the countries
• Isolation lead to poverty and ghettoization and radicalization, people stays on the social support for a long time which leads to violence increase.

How to prepare school enviornment and why?
• Tolerance and acceptance of differences are crucial human values
• Education is human right, nor a privilege, and one good structured school program is one of the most important way to heal traumas among children (children needs: structure, integration, sense of activity, peer to peer communication)
• Holistic approachthe results are better if we work with whole families
- support for parents -  helping with documentation, translatation, show respect toward other culture and customes, involve support of local comunity)
-  support for children- language learning, organise welcome clases, and prepare activities with food of their origin counties, make suveniers of their origin countries, prepare presentations of their origin countries

Advantages of inclusive education
• For migrant children: it gives them sense of belonging, it makes a sense of normalization and regular life routine, improve social skills and friendships
• For domestic people: opportunity for learning about differences, increase tolerance, improve respect for other cultures and habits, improves empathy and ability for helping
• For teachers: develop a sense and respect for differences, improves creativity and problem - solving,  develop team work and personal responsibility
• For local community: promotion of human rights, develop equality like a human value, increase socialization, prevent unacceptable behaviors

We also recommend to watch this video,


El colegio Pedro I se creó en 1981 como centro de educación infantil y primaria. Debido al crecimiento del número de alumnos/as se inauguró un nuevo edificio el 24 de septiembre de 2010.
Durante el curso 2006/2007 se inicia la experiencia de transformar nuestro colegio en Centro bilingüe en Francés desde la etapa de Educación Infantil.
En el curso 2014-15 el centro pasó a tener un programa bilingüe CILE 2; lo que supuso 8 horas lectivas de lengua francesa semanales.
Nuestro centro  en la actualidad es multicultural y conviven 14 nacionalidades diferentes (Marruecos, Gambia, Mali, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guatemala, Venezuela, República Dominicana, Argentina, Bulgaria, Rumanía, Polonia, China y Nicaragua),  y una minoría de niñ@s de etnia gitana. 
También hay en nuestras clases niñ@s con necesidades educativas especiales importantes (parálisis cerebral, autismo…). Desde su inicio, la  finalidad del programa bilingüe español-francés  ha sido fomentar en el alumnado del centro el aprendizaje de la lengua y la cultura francesas desde un enfoque comunicativo. Nuestro centro, por  impartir también  inglés, es plurilingüe.
El centro ha participado en distintos proyectos y programas que están relacionados con la línea de trabajo prioritaria de nuestro Erasmus Plus.
-          Commenius 2009-11: Developing the Global wordforce of the future: enchancing pupils life skills and intercultural understanding through examining traditional stories, sports and modern communication vehicles.
  • -          Escuela promotora de salud desde el curso 2009/2010.
  • -          Plan de convivencia.
  • -          Escuela de creatividad.
  • -          Proyecto de coro escolar.
  • -          Colaboraciones con el CAREI
Nuestro nuevo reto es la convivencia para el enriquecimiento mutuo  mediante un Plan de Atención a la Diversidad basado en una educación para la convivencia democrática, respeto a los derechos humanos y a la diversidad de todo tipo (sexo, cultural, étnica, social, intelectual…) y que posibilite el acercamiento cada vez mayor a la igualdad de oportunidades.
Desde el centro llevamos a cabo una serie de actividades  en el recreo, con las que se prentende potenciar actitudes positivas entre iguales y que son relevantes para el desarrollo de este proyecto:
  • ·         Juntos somos mejores.
  • ·         Bibliopatio.
  • ·         Juegos cooperativos.
  • ·         Zonificación del patio.
  • ·         Maestro de apoyo.
  • ·         Guardián de la paz.
Además, cualquier actividad a realizar en el Centro es consultada a la Asamblea de delegados donde los alumn@s aportan sus ideas y opiniones.
El trabajo cooperativo y por proyectos se utiliza en el Centro como una metodología que favorece la convivencia, el aprendizaje entre iguales y la autonomía personal.
De suma importancia para el Pedro I son las salidas a entornos próximos y lejanos como método para convivir y aprender de una forma significativa; teniendo una amplia experiencia en la organización de intecambios con otros países.
En el presente curso 2017/2018 contamos con un total de 21 unidades creadas: 6 infantil y 15 de primaria. En la actualidad al centro asisten 491 alumn@s.

Pedro I school was created in 1981 as a centre of infant and primary education. Due to the increase of pupils a new building was inaugurated on September 24, 2010.
During the course (year) 2006/2007 it began the experience of transforming our school into bilingual French Centre from the stage of Infant Education.
In the year 2014-15 the centre passed to have a bilingual program CILE 2; what it supposed 8 school weekly hours of French language.
Nowadays, our centre  is multicultural and there coexist 14 different nationalities (Morocco, Gambia, Mali, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guatemala, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, China and Nicaragua), and a minority of  gypsy etnia.
Also there are children with educational special important needs (cerebral paralysis, autism …) in our classes.

From the beginning, the purpose of the bilingual program Spanish – French has been promoting the learning of the French language and the culture from a communicative approach. Our centre, for giving also English, is plurilingüe.
The centre has taken part in different projects and programs that are related to the priority line of work of our Erasmus Plus.
- Commenius 2009-11: Global Developing the wordforce of the future: enhancing pupils life skills and intercultural understanding through examining traditional stories, sports and modern communication vehicles.
· - School promoter of health from the course (year) 2009/2010.
· - Plan of conviviality.
· - School of creativity.
. - Project of school choir.
. - Collaborations with the CAREI

Our new challenge is the conviviality for the mutual enrichment by means of a Plan of Attention to the Diversity based on an education for the democratic conviviality, respect to the human rights and to the diversity of all kinds (sex, cultural, ethnic, social, intellectual …) and that makes the equality of opportunities nearer.
From the centre we carry out a serie of activities in the playtime, with which it´s pretended to promote positive attitudes between equal and that are relevant for the development of this project:
· · Together we are better
· · Bibliopatio
· · Cooperative games
· · Spaces´classification
· · Support´s teacher
· · Gardian of the peace.
In addition, any activity to realize in the Center is consulted to the delegates' Assembly where alumn@s his(her,your) ideas and opinions contribute them..
The cooperative work and for projects it´s used in the Center as a methodology that allows conviviality, learning between equals and personal autonomy.
Really important for the Pedro I are near and distant outings as a method to coexist and learn of a significant way; having a wide experience in the organization of exchanges with other countries.
In the school year 2017/2018, we had 21 units at the school: 6 preschool units, 15 of elementary school. Nowadays, there are 491 students at the school.


BEHAVE ("The Better Environment, the Higher Academic and Vital Evolution" ) , is a project prepared by four European institut...