Durante el curso 2006/2007 se inicia la experiencia de transformar nuestro colegio en Centro bilingüe en Francés desde la etapa de Educación Infantil.
En el curso 2014-15 el centro pasó a tener un programa bilingüe CILE 2; lo que supuso 8 horas lectivas de lengua francesa semanales.
Nuestro centro en la actualidad es multicultural y conviven 14 nacionalidades diferentes (Marruecos, Gambia, Mali, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guatemala, Venezuela, República Dominicana, Argentina, Bulgaria, Rumanía, Polonia, China y Nicaragua), y una minoría de niñ@s de etnia gitana.
También hay en nuestras clases niñ@s con necesidades educativas especiales importantes (parálisis cerebral, autismo…). Desde su inicio, la finalidad del programa bilingüe español-francés ha sido fomentar en el alumnado del centro el aprendizaje de la lengua y la cultura francesas desde un enfoque comunicativo. Nuestro centro, por impartir también inglés, es plurilingüe.
El centro ha participado en distintos proyectos y programas que están relacionados con la línea de trabajo prioritaria de nuestro Erasmus Plus.
- Commenius 2009-11: Developing the Global wordforce of the future: enchancing pupils life skills and intercultural understanding through examining traditional stories, sports and modern communication vehicles.
- - Escuela promotora de salud desde el curso 2009/2010.
- - Plan de convivencia.
- - Escuela de creatividad.
- - Proyecto de coro escolar.
- - Colaboraciones con el CAREI
Nuestro nuevo reto es la convivencia para el enriquecimiento mutuo mediante un Plan de Atención a la Diversidad basado en una educación para la convivencia democrática, respeto a los derechos humanos y a la diversidad de todo tipo (sexo, cultural, étnica, social, intelectual…) y que posibilite el acercamiento cada vez mayor a la igualdad de oportunidades.
Desde el centro llevamos a cabo una serie de actividades en el recreo, con las que se prentende potenciar actitudes positivas entre iguales y que son relevantes para el desarrollo de este proyecto:
- · Juntos somos mejores.
- · Bibliopatio.
- · Juegos cooperativos.
- · Zonificación del patio.
- · Maestro de apoyo.
- · Guardián de la paz.
Además, cualquier actividad a realizar en el Centro es consultada a la Asamblea de delegados donde los alumn@s aportan sus ideas y opiniones.
El trabajo cooperativo y por proyectos se utiliza en el Centro como una metodología que favorece la convivencia, el aprendizaje entre iguales y la autonomía personal.
De suma importancia para el Pedro I son las salidas a entornos próximos y lejanos como método para convivir y aprender de una forma significativa; teniendo una amplia experiencia en la organización de intecambios con otros países.
En el presente curso 2017/2018 contamos con un total de 21 unidades creadas: 6 infantil y 15 de primaria. En la actualidad al centro asisten 491 alumn@s.
The Pedro I school was created in 1981 as a centre of infant and primary education. Due to the increase of pupils a new building was inaugurated on September 24, 2010.
During the course (year) 2006/2007 it began the experience of transforming our school into bilingual French Centre from the stage of Infant Education.
In the year 2014-15 the centre passed to have a bilingual program CILE 2; what it supposed 8 school weekly hours of French language.
Nowadays, our centre is multicultural and there coexist 14 different nationalities (Morocco, Gambia, Mali, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guatemala, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, China and Nicaragua), and a minority of gypsy etnia.
Also there are children with educational special important needs (cerebral paralysis, autism …) in our classes.
During the course (year) 2006/2007 it began the experience of transforming our school into bilingual French Centre from the stage of Infant Education.
In the year 2014-15 the centre passed to have a bilingual program CILE 2; what it supposed 8 school weekly hours of French language.
Nowadays, our centre is multicultural and there coexist 14 different nationalities (Morocco, Gambia, Mali, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guatemala, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, China and Nicaragua), and a minority of gypsy etnia.
Also there are children with educational special important needs (cerebral paralysis, autism …) in our classes.
From the beginning, the purpose of the bilingual program Spanish – French has been promoting the learning of the French language and the culture from a communicative approach. Our centre, for giving also English, is plurilingüe.
The centre has taken part in different projects and programs that are related to the priority line of work of our Erasmus Plus.
- Commenius 2009-11: Global Developing the wordforce of the future: enhancing pupils life skills and intercultural understanding through examining traditional stories, sports and modern communication vehicles.
· - School promoter of health from the course (year) 2009/2010.
· - Plan of conviviality.
· - School of creativity.
The centre has taken part in different projects and programs that are related to the priority line of work of our Erasmus Plus.
- Commenius 2009-11: Global Developing the wordforce of the future: enhancing pupils life skills and intercultural understanding through examining traditional stories, sports and modern communication vehicles.
· - School promoter of health from the course (year) 2009/2010.
· - Plan of conviviality.
· - School of creativity.
. - Project of school choir.
. - Collaborations with the CAREI
From the centre we carry out a serie of activities in the playtime, with which it´s pretended to promote positive attitudes between equal and that are relevant for the development of this project:
· · Together we are better
· · Bibliopatio
· · Cooperative games
· · Spaces´classification
· · Support´s teacher
· · Gardian of the peace.
In addition, any activity to realize in the Center is consulted to the delegates' Assembly where alumn@s his(her,your) ideas and opinions contribute them..
The cooperative work and for projects it´s used in the Center as a methodology that allows conviviality, learning between equals and personal autonomy.
Really important for the Pedro I are near and distant outings as a method to coexist and learn of a significant way; having a wide experience in the organization of exchanges with other countries.
This year 2017/2018 we have 21 units at the school: 6 preschool units, 15 of elementary school. Nowadays, there are 491 students at the school.
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