El actual centro educativo nace en 1975 como Centro de Formación Profesional y en 1995 se convierte en Instituto de Educación Secundaria. Durante el curso 1999/2000 se da un importante paso en el aprendizaje de lenguas, creándose la Sección Bilingüe de Francés.

A partir del curso 2013/2014, el instituto pasa a ser Plurilingüe, comenzando entonces con la Sección Bilingüe de Inglés en la etapa de Secundaria.; así, en el presente curso escolar, se imparte la ESO por el currículo ordinario y por la mencionada vía Plurilingüe, además de los Programas de atención a la diversidad (PAI, en 1º ESO, PMAR, en 2º y 3º ESO, y FPB, en 3º y 4º ESO).

Esta formación se puede completar en el centro con el Bachillerato de Ciencias y Tecnología o con el de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, teniendo también la opción de cursas los mismos dentro de la vía Bilingüe en Francés.

La oferta se amplía con la posibilidad de cursar los siguientes Ciclos Formativos:

- Grado Medio de Carrocería, Instalaciones de Telecomunicaciones, Atención a Personas en Situación de Dependencia y Elaboración de Productos Alimenticios.

- Grado superior de Automoción, Sistemas Electrónicos y Automáticos, y Educación Infantil.

El centro desarrolla diversos programas y proyectos como el proyecto europeo Erasmus +, Cruzando fronteras, Apertura de centros, Conexión matemática, Biblioteca, Animación a la lectura, Educación afectivo sexual, Proyecto de gestión de calidad en formación profesional...

En el presente curso 2017/2018, la matrícula se sitúa en algo más de 700 alumnos, repartidos en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato y Ciclos Formativos. Para cubrir las necesidades formativas de los mismos se cuenta con un equipo de 82 profesores.

The current school began in 1975 as a Professional Education Centre. It was in 1995 when it became a Secondary High School. During the school year 1999/2000,  we improved our languages learning, setting up the French Bilingual Section.

Since the school year 2013/2014 the High School has started being  multilingual, beginning the English Bilingual Section in Secondary; so, currently, pupils can choose to study within the ordinary program or within the multilingual one, as well as the Diversity Programmes, (PAI, in 1st ESO, PMAR, in  2nd and  3rd  ESO, and FPB, in 3rd  y 4th  ESO).

The Secondary studies can be completed with the Science and Technology “Bachillerato” or the Humanities and Social Sciences one, which can be studied in French, too.

Students can also continue their education in Vocational Studies:

- Intermediate grade: Mechanics, Telecoms, Caring of depending status people and Making Alimentary Products. 

- Superior grade: Mechanics, Electronic and automatic systems and Pre-school Education.

El proyecto Erasmus +, BEHAVE, que pretende involucrar a toda la comunidad educativa (alumnos, profesores, familias...), está impulsado por las siguientes profesoras: Pilar Rivera (Inglés), Lourdes Soler (Matemáticas), María José Guinaliu (Matemáticas), Carmen García (Despendencia e Infantil), Sandra Arasanz (Matemáticas), Lourdes Sanz (Orientación), Elena Peleato (Francés) y Marta Soler (Inglés y Secretaria del centro).
En el Martínez Vargas ya estamos trabajando con muchas ganas e ilusión en este nuevo proyecto que esperamos que disfrutéis muchísimo.

The Erasmus + project, BEHAVE, which wants to  involve the whole education community (pupils, teachers, families...), is encouraged by the following teachers: Pilar Rivera (English), Lourdes Soler (Maths), María José Guinaliu (Maths), Carmen García (Depending status e Pre-school education), Sandra Arasanz (Maths), Lourdes Sanz (Guiding), Elena Peleato (French) y Marta Soler (English and School Secretary). 
Martínez Vargas'  team is already working with enthusiasm and wishes everyone enjoys a lot the project.

Si queréis conocer más sobre nuestro centro, podéis visitar nuestra página web:
If you want to get further information about our high school, you can visit our website:

Y para estar al día de todas las actividades que se realizan con el proyecto, a parte de visitar este blog, podéis seguirnos en las redes sociales:

Besides,  if you want to know every project activity, apart from reading the blog, you can follow us in our social networking sites:
                                                      FACEBOOK: Erasmus Behave


BEHAVE ("The Better Environment, the Higher Academic and Vital Evolution"), is a project prepared by four European institutions from Latvia, Croatia and Spain (two schools from the same town, Barbastro). 
We start from the common concern for the inclusion of all and every student and the educational community and the improvement of competences and socio-emotional skills that foster positive cohabitation in the schools, all from the exchange of our practices and experiences in this regard and training joint on issues in this field.

The main objectives of our project are:
- Encouraging the development of social, civic and intercultural competence.
- Developing linguistic competence.
- Promoting critical thinking.
- Improving skills for living together in cociety, from training in troubleshooting.
- Fighting against discrimination, segregation, racism, sexism, bullying and violence.
- Helping in the improvement of access, participation and learning achievement for disadvantaged young people.
- Encouraging peer learning.
- Exchanging experiences and good practices at European level.
- Creating networks with other schools which are sustainable over time.

The common leitmotiv of the project will be the inclusion in every school of a Pakistani family (The Maliks) that moves around the three European partner countries of the project looking for better socio-economic opportunities. This is the ideal setting to work at all levels of social inclusion, mutual understanding, interpersonal relationships and dialogue, and thus achieve better coexistence in the schools, while promoting teamwork and collaborative methodoly.

Other methodology guidelines are:
- Active methodology focused on the students to develop their competence and socio-emotional skills.
- Based learning challenges in approach to cases and dilemmas in which students will have to apply reasoning and critical thinking.
- Fundamental support with information technology and communication.
- Networking (through platforms like Skype, e-Twinning, the blog that will be created,...) between the partners.
- Families and educational community involvement in the development and dissemination of activities.
- Dissemination of the most relevant activities which will be carried out in all four partner schools and during the molilities.

The project is aimed at a group of 550 students between 10 and 16 years old, 70 professors and 480 families. 
These objectives and methodology will be embodied into a set of activities that will be incorporated into the Tutorial Activities in the schools, will be developed by all the pupils in each school and which will be displayed during the scheduled mobilities, which are four all in all: an initial one and another at the end held in Barbastro (Spain), and two other intemediate ones in Saldus (Latvia) and Zagreb (Croatia).

The most significant impact will be improvement of the overall environment at schools, the process of conflict resolutions and their reduction, the satisfaction of students. Thus the advance in the knowledge of different cultures, improves language, digital and socio-emotional competence. The tutorial action will also be enriched with materials and activities.

In the long run the project intends to consolidation in the four partner schools inclusive and dynamic methodologies of a collaborative network.


BEHAVE ("The Better Environment, the Higher Academic and Vital Evolution" ) , is a project prepared by four European institut...